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What Should We Do?

In the history of the church the season of Advent is usually a season of solemn contemplation. The songs slower, the colors darker, the prayers moodier. Except for this Sunday. For one Sunday tradition dictates we take a break from our blues (both literally and figuratively) and celebrate Joy! The third Sunday in Advent is sometimes called Gaudete Sunday which is just Latin for “Rejoice!” and it’s not just an exclamation but the tense of “Gaudete” is instead a command to find joy. Most years I find myself welcoming this Sunday. It can serve as a reminder that in a world that works really hard to keep so many people down the simple act of joy can be a subversive thing. It can remind us that we do not serve a God who requires any form of self-flagellation or self-torment but instead a God who relishes and finds joy in are joy and has come to break the chains of the world that keeps us from that joy.


                  This year I’m not resonating with those messages. Instead, I find myself hearing it as a command from the rulers of this world. Like we are being commanded to play the violin while Rome burns, or to eat cake while many go hungry. Which is why I’m glad for our reading from Luke (Luke 3:7-18) this week. While all the other readings focus on this feeling of Joy, John the Baptist is out in the wilderness yelling at his “Brood of Vipers”. He points to the axe lying at the roots of the trees, and the threshing floor where wheat will be separated from chaff. It’s hard to turn on the news these days or open social media or go out into the world without feeling like something is about to happen. Will it be good? bad? A mix of both? It’s hard to tell but something is about to happen. In the face of the uncertainty of the coming change I feel more and more like the crowd, tax collectors and soldiers asking, “What should we do?”. Luckily the answers John gives still work today. What should we do? Be generous. What should we do? don’t overtax our neighbors and be content. What should we do? be kind. What should we do? Live our lives in the places God has called us and spread the love of God.



Pastor Corey

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